Customer Support
Our Website Customers:
To quickly resolve any enquiries or product troubleshooting, please use the search box to find the solution or browse the categories and topics below. Only if a solution is not available, then click the contact us button on below. |
Marketplace Customers: (Amazon, eBay, or any other approved distributors)If you have purchased our products via a marketplace, feel free to use the search function for any troubleshooting. If you cannot solve your issue yourself and your order is in warranty, please contact the seller who sold the item to you, as they are the party responsible for solving your issue. If the product must be repaired, the seller is responsible for arranging a repair with us, where once it has been confirmed you will then be able to return the product to us for a repair (please do NOT return any items to us without prior approval from the seller, as we will not be able to track your item and it may not get returned to you). If your item is out of warranty, we can provide a repair service for a fee, where we provide you with an estimated quote and upon acceptance, then provide return and repair details. |